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Special mortar production line
Fireproof coating mortar production equipment

Category : Special mortar production line
Release Date : 2024-03-06
View : 1064times

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Fireproof mortar is made of inorganic thermal insulation materials such as light bulk weight, small thermal conductivity and non-combustible vitrified microbeads and expanded perlite as the main raw materials, and is processed and produced with cement, redispersible rubber powder and polymer additives according to a certain proportion of formula.

The product contains glass beads (fragile) and the proportion of the product is small. In order to prevent the segregation and crushing of glass beads in the mixing process, we adopt the production process of glass beads entering the mixer twice, and use the frequency conversion function, so that the mixer can change the speed according to the system setting, so that the speed can be adjusted automatically. Besides, we have a special volume measurement scale for glass beads. It can be measured more accurately.

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